Aldi graduate recruitment campaign

Aldi is top 5 in the Times Top 100 Graduate Employers list, 
which explains why every year thousands of potential candidates, 
all with the right qualifications are all ready to apply. But for Aldi, 
qualifications alone are not enough. There is an extra factor that 
makes some candidates rise to the top. It is a combination of drive, 
determination, sporting ambition and leadership. Academic excellence 
is simply not enough. We were asked to develop a creative campaign that 
started the filtering process early on. It had to be clear that this was no ordinary
 opportunity and that no ordinary candidate would do. There was also a need
 to stand out in a world of recruitment clichés. So in terms of both art direction 
and messaging, a fresh approach was required. We looked for images and tonality 
that would shake things up. We wanted the advertising to be more about an attitude 
than the job opportunity. It wasn’t about how many people applied. We just wanted 
to get to the few who really had the ’The thing’ Aldi was looking for.